- max weber
- verstehen - empathizing, relating to culture under study
- davis & moore -
- ward & sumner -
- folkways - customs or conventions of daily life
- mores - stronger than folkways (think mooring)
- erving goffman -
- dramaturgy - social practice to improve ones image
- herbert spencer -
- durkheim -
- anomic suicide - occurs in times of great social change, lack of social norms
- altruistic suicide - person too ingrained in group, does not care about own needs
- egoistic suicide - person feels like social loner, outsider
- fatalistic suicide - occurs under high rules or regulation, loss of individualism
- harriet martineau -
- c wright mills -
- george simmel -
- conflict theory
- dyad - group of two people, most fundamental
- triad - group of three people, more stable because of mediator
- erik erikson -
- robert merton -
- george herbert mead -
- "elementary forms of religious life" -
- hawthorne effect - the observed change their behavior when they know they are being observed
- workers in hawthorne factory were reported to being more productive after attention to worker needs was increased
- later studies found that the research itself contributed to increased productivity
- primary deviance - the initial deviant act
- secondary deviance - the alterations of the persons self perception after the primary deviance
- levirate - custom of widow marrying husbands brother
- ethnocentrism - belief in superiority of one's own ethnicity
- group think - individuals begin to think similarly and develop a narrow view
- strain theory - society puts pressure on individuals to meet goals which may drive them to crime if they lack the means
- primary socialization - socialization that a child receives
- sensorimotor stage - infants cannot differentiate themselves and environment
- cult -
- sect -
- church -
- ecclesia -
- disengagement theory - it is natural and acceptable for old people to withdraw from society
- second shift - household responsibilities after work, usually carried out by the wife
- peter principle - managers rise to level of incompetence
- functionalist - social stratification is necessary for societal function
- niche
- clique
- caste - closed system
- class - open system
- strata
migration types
- forced
- voluntary
- step
- selective
- internal
missed questions
- politics is power
- cultural capital - knowledge about culture, gain popularity
- tracking - assigning students to programs based on performaance
- working poor - have jobs, just below poverty line
- power - depends on position in bureaucracy
- wealth comes from inheritance in upper class
- prestige - how people are regarded
- union negotations - collective bargaining
- organic solidarity -
- human ecology - relation between people and environment
- retribution
- sapir-whorf - words precede thoughts