CLEP Biology Review

Meiosis and Mitosis

centromere - attachment point for chromosome chromosome - has one centromere, might consist of 1 chromatid or 2 sister chromatids chromatid - hunk of DNA, might be a chromosome, or a sister chromatid chromatin - unravelled DNA

Haploid Cell

  • contains 1 set of all chromosomes (2 chromatids)
  • sex cells

Diploid Cell

  • contains 2 sets of all chromosomes (2 chromatids each)
  • all other cells


  • occurs in all organisms
  • produces 2 haploids
  • does not create genetic variation


  • occurs in the sex cells of certain organisms
  • produces 4 gametes (1 set of chromatids)
  • helps with genetic variation


  • cell is diploid (:w

Meiosis I

  • prophase - chromosomes pair up
  • metaphase - chromosomes recombine
  • anaphase - chromosomes pulled apart (ana- - back)
  • telophase - cells split (telo- - end)


isotonic - same water concentration in and outside anabolism - builds molecules by consuming energy catabolism - process of breaking down molecules for energy krebs cycle/citric acid cycle - cycle where organisms breakdown carbs/fats/etc for energy

Cellular Structures

ribosomes - produce protein mitochondria - create ATP during cellular respiration lysosome - handle waste in a cell endocytic vesicles - the cell wall "eats" a particle centriole - where microtubules attach during reproduction

Cellular Respiration


  • help catalyze reactions

Binomial Nomenclature

genus species

  • kingdom > phylum > class > order > family > genus > species
  • king phillip came over from great spain

*arthropoda* - insects, bees aves - birds annelid - segmented worms nematoda - round worms porifera - sponge cnidaria - jellyfish sporophyte - fern prothallus - also a fern bryphytes - mosses, no xylem, phloem


differential reproduction - the fittest organisms will survive long enough to reproduce hardy-weinberg - genotypes stay the same in the absence of environmental factors allopatric speciation - separation of organisms results in separate evolutionary paths

r/K Selection

  • r selected - describes organisms with high growth rates, high mortality, fast sexual maturity
  • K selected - describes organisms with low growth rates, low mortality, long parental care

  • cofactor - complementary molecule that works with an enzyme to catalyze stuff

  • catalyst - lowers activation energy for reaction
  • endergomic reaction - absorbs energy from environment
  • CAM photosynthesis - used by some plants in arid environments to reduce water loss


spiracles - respiratory organs



phloem - carries nutrients xylem - carries water meristem - allows roots to grow quickly


calvin cycle - light independent reactions inside a plant photolysis - process of breaking down molecules by light angiosperm - flowering gymnosperm - seeding phototropism - orient towards light saphrophytic - feeding on dead matter


epi - iso - ecto - meso -


pre-cambrian - some soft-bodied organisms, plants cambrian - large emergence of multicellular organisms mesozoic - dinosaurs, ended with mass extinction cenozoic - current era, flowering plants paleozoic

Human Body

cerebrum - speech cerebellum - motor skills forebrain - smell pituitary gland - controls other glands and hormones (master gland) pancreas - makes insulin

collagen - connective tissue (vitamin C helps with its creation) vitamins - organic cofactors



germ layers - the various layers in an embryo endoderm layer - gut lining and internals mesoderm - muscles, skeleton, reproductory ectoderm - skin


  • hemophilia
  • color blindness